City of Refuge Culture, FaithPC WalkerMarch 15, 2013Bible, Christian, christian living, Christianity, cities of refuge, city of refuge, community, followers of jesus, high crime, human-rights, love, love for the murderer, micah 6, micah 6:8, murder, oak park, old testament, poor, poverty, priest, priestly tribe, religion, Sacramento, serve, tahoe park, testament god Comments
Break down the warrior Culture, FaithPC WalkerJanuary 15, 20131 Samuel, ash heap, Christianity, God, God loves the poor, gold, humble, money, poor, poverty, religion, rich, righteous, righteous god, selfish man, spirituality, TBN, theology, warrior, wealth, wealthyComment
The richest least of these Culture, FaithPC WalkerOctober 12, 2012american greed, Christianity, faith, God, hungry, least of these, love, naked, nude, poverty, religion, rich, soul, spirit, spiritual, spirituality, thirstyComment