CREATIVE CHANGE: Friends Creativity, UncategorizedPC WalkerApril 21, 2011creative, creative friends, creativity, Hector Marquez, inspirational friends and creativity, no parking, postaday2011 Comments
No Parking Film Review UncategorizedPC WalkerJanuary 7, 2010film, film review, movie, movie review, no parking, no parking movie, roseville, sacpress, sacramento press, traffic, twitter, volkswagen, volkswagen bug, volkswagen bus Comment
What's next for PC... UncategorizedPC WalkerJanuary 2, 2010blogging, book review, college ministry, Gospel, movie, movie review, no parking, ragamuffinpc, speak, speaker, speaking, thomas nelson, whats nextComment
Film Review to come... UncategorizedPC WalkerDecember 21, 2009film, film review, hector, movie, movie review, no parking, no parking movie, ride is the destination, seth, vw, vw busComment