Your Opinion Needed: new column Creativity, Culture, Faith, UncategorizedPC WalkerAugust 24, 2011brainstorming, creative ideas needed, creativity needed, faith and culture, faith in culture, missional, opinion, postaday2011, title ideas, urban missionary Comments
No Christians in Your Community UncategorizedPC WalkerMarch 29, 2011Chris Huertz, community, japan more important, libya more important, local community involvement, missional, missional christianity, postaday2011 Comments
Its Why I Come In Here UncategorizedPC WalkerSeptember 21, 2010coffee shop, friends, friendships, missional, old soul coffee, Pranqster, relationships Comments
Pumpin' the wattage into your cottage UncategorizedPC WalkerDecember 29, 2009college, college ministry, college pastor, feedback, interview, ministry, missional, pastor, post christian, postchristian, postmodern, radio, young adult Comments