Footprints Left PC WalkerJanuary 31, 2017footprints, footprint, legacy, influence, impact, close friends, leadership, discipleship, ministry, ministry leader, ministry leadershipComment
Impact of Imago UncategorizedPC WalkerApril 25, 2013connected, connections, friends, friendships, God, image of God, imago dei, impact, influence, leadership, networking, relationships, smile, solidarity, stranger, strangersComment
Ragamuffin Leadership UncategorizedPC WalkerApril 18, 2013Anderson University, catalyst, church, community, Dunn, Dunn Hall, honest, impact, influence, lead, leaders, leadership, ministry, RA, ragamuffin, religion Comment
Why Young Adults Are NOT At Your Church why young adults are leaving YOUR church Read More UncategorizedPC WalkerMay 20, 2010campus ministry, church plants, college ministry, college students, community churches, emmergents, generation x, house church, impact, ministry, young adults Comments
Simple Coffee UncategorizedPC WalkerNovember 23, 2009assisi, Carlotte, coffee, impact, Justin Wallace, simple, simplicity, tasteComment