When you fall FaithPC WalkerOctober 18, 2012Christian, Christianity, dad, dad hands, difficulties, fail, failure, faith, fall, falling, Father God, fathers hands, God is good, God is strength, hard times, psalm 37, psalmist, religion, spirituality, strength in times of trouble, time of trouble, times of trouble, trouble, trouble in your life, trust, when you fall, where is God Comments
Freedom in Failure FaithPC WalkerAugust 16, 2012Christianity, fail, failed, failure, faith, fear of failure, freedom, God expects you to fail, RA, RD, religion, resident assistant, resident director Comment
Beautiful Failure UncategorizedPC WalkerSeptember 16, 2010beauty, failure, fall, houseplant, leaves, picture, poem, poems, poetry, water Comments
Something About Jesus: random notes on Matthew 13-21 UncategorizedPC WalkerDecember 8, 2009Bible, christians, failure, generation, Gospel, gospel challenge, gospels, jesus, matthew 13, matthew 14, matthew 15, matthew 16, matthew 17, matthew 18, matthew 19, matthew 20, matthew 21, rich young ruler, seedComment