Avoid the slow leak UncategorizedPC WalkerDecember 3, 2014abiding in Christ, broken down, broken heart, broken moments, Christianity, connection, entanglement, heart of god, leak, leakage, oil, oil light, oswald chambers, relationship with God, routine, slow leak, spiritual leakage, spirituality Comments
Why you get angry all the time FaithPC WalkerJune 26, 2012anger, anger issues, anger problems, broken heart, emotion, emotional moments, emotions, overly emotional, Proverbs 16, religion, saying things, slow to anger, spirituality, thoughts and feelings, why do I do thisComment
Soothing Freefall Stavesacre and Psalm 13 Read More UncategorizedPC WalkerJuly 14, 2010broken heart, freefall, hurt, hurting heart, pain, Psalm 13, soothing, speakeasy, StavesacreComment