Missing God UncategorizedPC WalkerDecember 16, 2014Brother Lawrence, Christianity, consciousness, divine moment, entanglement, ephesians 4, Ephesians 4:6, erwin mcmanus, examen of consciousness, faith, Gods presence, mcmanus, practice the presence of God, presence of God, Richard Foster, seizing your divine momentComment
Cold prayers UncategorizedPC WalkerApril 9, 2014Christianity, cold prayer, concerned, concerns, desire, faith, God, Gods presence, lacking prayer, matters, passion, prayer, prayer lifeComment
Pros-o-pon UncategorizedPC WalkerFebruary 13, 2013be present, face, God, Gods presence, greek word, presence, present, prosopon, religion, seek, seek God, spiritual, spirituality, theology, worshipComment
Empty-hearted - PG FaithPC WalkerMarch 2, 2012church, close to God, empty hearted, empty worship, Exodus 34, God, Gods presence, how to worship, intensive preparation, moses, pleasing aroma, prepare my heart, religion, sacrifice, spirituality, vail, worshipComment