When Trust is no Trust

Trust requires a risk and fear.  Otherwise it is not really trust. The question commonly  comes, "What if you choose to trust and then you are taken advantage of?  What then?" We can often allow this to obstruct trust.  We have, in asking that question, defied our ability to trust.  We have said that trust is impossible. 

Yes, it is possible to risk and trust someone, and it is possible that it will bring hurt in some cases. IF you make your decision based on a proposed fear or outcome not to 'go', then you have not trusted.

Trust cannot be dependant on its outcome.  If your trust (or lack) is based on the proposed outcome, then you have not trusted at all.

This applies both to our human relationships as well as our relationship with God the Father.  If my trust in God is based on whether or not he gives me tangible affirmation, then I have not trusted God at all.  If my trust in my Father is whether or not he moves me to FEEL his presence, I do not really trust God.


If I am disheartened and frustrated when God does not write on the wall, speak through a bush or audibly speak to my ears, then I have not really trusted in the Father.

If I spend the majority of my life demanding that God prove himself to me and assure me that he exists and works in my life, then I have not yet learned what it really means to trust God...to have faith.

We all want to be trusted.  "Just trust me, will ya!"  God is no different.  He desires to be trusted.  What sort of demands have we put on that trust?  We have so many ways in which we demand a certain outcome in order for us to trust in God, but that is no trust in God at all.  We have to learn how to trust God even when the outcome is uncertain...otherwise, we will not have trusted at all.