My digital bumper Creativity, CulturePC WalkerMay 9, 2012Anderson University, apple, bumper sticker, chicago bears, College Football, Fighting Irish, football, hate usc, i hate usc, mac, Notre Dame, oregon ducksComment
Notes from the dogeared pages of #32 Creativity, Culture, Faith, UncategorizedPC WalkerMay 3, 2012Cody Cannon, faith quotes, journaling, journals, leadership, leadership quotes, moleskine, natural byproduct, old journals, quotes, religion, retired journal, spirituality, theology Comment
When I tell my students not to listen to their parents Culture, FaithPC WalkerMay 1, 2012Acts 21, chagrin, college ministry, college pastor, conversations, God's will, God's will for my life, ministry, my parents want me to, Paul listens to God, stress, tension, what to do after collegeComment
You're Welcome: most highlighted quotes Creativity, CulturePC WalkerApril 27, 2012amazon, david platt radical, heaven is for real, highlights, Hunger Games quotes, Kindle quotes, Radical, Sherlock Holmes quotes, Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs quotes, the hunger gamesComment
About not being a Christian on account of the hypocrites Culture, FaithPC WalkerApril 24, 2012christians, Christians are hypocrites, Gospel, hypocrites, hypocritical is good for the gospel, logical fallacy, why Christians are so hypocritical Comments
I love my family TOO much: father fiction part 2 Culture, FaithPC WalkerApril 23, 2012christ followers, church, disciples, douglas wilson, faith, father fiction, godly parenting, hate his mother and father, loving my kids too much, loving my wife, malachi 4, Matthew 6, mother and wife, my kids are idols, religion, seek first his kingdom Comments
Father Fiction Culture, FaithPC WalkerApril 19, 2012be a man, becoming a father, becoming a man, donald miller, father fiction, fatherless, to own a dragon Comment
Okay, you're right! Prove it! Culture, FaithPC WalkerApril 18, 2012apologetics, culture, faith in Christ, proof of faith, prove it, proving your faith, reaching the culture, truth of Christianity Comment
Christians - by Carol Wimmer Creativity, Culture, FaithPC WalkerMarch 30, 2012Christ, Christian, Christian poem, Maya Angelou, poem, poetry, pride, saved, stumble, what it means to be a Christian, when I say I am a Christian Comments
You and your selfish mountaintop experience Culture, FaithPC WalkerMarch 28, 2012down into the valley, inspiration, mountaintop, mountaintop experience, my utmost for his highest, oswald chambers, pride, selfishness, share the inspiration Comments
Through the looking-glass [self] Creativity, Culture, FaithPC WalkerMarch 15, 2012how God sees you, looking-glass, looking-glass self, Meme, reflections, sociology, the one Jesus loves, what they think I do, who am IComment